Africa, a continent of diverse languages, rich in varying arrays of colours spread across fifty seven sovereign nations.

As Leo Frobenius puts it “… We are ignorant of hoary Africa. Somewhat of its present, perhaps, we know but of little of its past”. But over the centuries, this landscape palette which range from lush green in the rain forest to soft pale in the Sahara desert has revealed some of its ancient secrets.

From archeological evidence to traditions and norms which are still visible within its loins, this third largest entity has become an interesting area of study. Lessons from its politics, educational system, religion, science and research making have not only been bewildered at but also helps in understanding human evolution on the planet.


The photographical documents by Oriyomi Adepitan, a contemporary artist of Nigerian origin further attest to this facts.

The artist, Oriyomi Adepitan, is a graduate of fine and applied arts, university of Benin, Nigeria, who specializes in graphics design. His creative prowess in the use of camera over the recent times is becoming unfathomable even among his contemporaries.

The African king series, a collection which focus on the kingship in ancient Africa is of exhumable experience. The works visually express the juxtaposition of the elements and principles of art by a photography artist among other features.

Oriyomi Adepitan also use these masterpieces in documenting the roles of women in nation building by repositioning the woman as a special adviser against the common norms of child bearing and kitchen works. He, position the African woman as a supportive and caring personality in the family and the society at large even though “she is not the head” of the family. The ancient African customs respects the female being with her weakness.


Through the photographs, the artist exposes what the ruling class face either in ancient Africa long before the western style of adminstration or what the position of ruling rntails in this era. He also portrays the African king as a human who has his own fears, aspirations, limitations or power even though he is a god in human form.

The colours on the palette of the photographs through the props can be described as an evidence to be recon with about the efficacy of the African king.


Oriyomi Adepitan currently lives and works in Ibadan, about 300km from his place of origin, Ijebu- Ode, Ogun state, Southwest Nigeria.



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